Bull kelp is a favorite ingredient we have been using for years. On the way back home from a fishing trip, we’d fill a bucket with kelp, gather our friends, and create handmade kelp pickles and kelp salsas in our home kitchen.

Our very first batches of kelp salsa and pickles were inspired by recipes from some of the original coastal Alaskan homesteaders. Over the years, with each harvest of kelp our batches grew. We began by filling our cupboards and pantries, and soon would be filling the cupboards and the pantries of friends and family. In 2016 we founded Barnacle to share our Kelp Salsa and Pickles with you, too.

Today we have four of our favorite variations of Kelp Salsa, two flavors of Kelp Pickles, five types of dried Kelp Seasonings, and occasional “Small Batch” experimental items from our test kitchen.