Spice up the holidays with this sweet and spicy caramel that drizzles on every dessert...
Kelp Chili CrispCreamy greens and gooey eggs are topped with Serrano Bullwhip Kelp Hot Sauce for the best brunch you'll want to eat at every meal.
Serrano Kelp Hot SauceCreamy white bean dip is drizzled with Kelp Chili Crisp and sprinkled with Everything Bagel Kelp Seasoning for serious flavor with every bite...
Kelp Chili Crisp Everything Bagel Kelp SeasoningMake these spicy golden cauliflower bites to satisfy a crowd. A flavor bomb with every bite...
Bullwhip Kelp Hot SauceBullwhip Kelp Hot Sauce brings all the flavor in this big-batch vegetarian bean chili...
Bullwhip Kelp Hot SauceCrispy, crunchy tofu nuggets are drenched in a tangy celery + cucumber slaw...