This crunchy umami-bomb cucumber salad is perfectly balanced...
Kelp Chili Crisp Furikake Kelp SeasoningTake your classic summer heirloom tomato sandwich to the next level...
Bullwhip Kelp & Piri Piri Hot SauceBullwhip Kelp & Piri Piri Hot Sauce risotto, rolled into balls, stuffed with mozzarella, and...
Bullwhip Kelp & Piri Piri Hot SauceGrilled feta drizzled with honey, Kelp Chili Crisp, and pecans. A perfect appetizer paired with...
Kelp Chili CrispThick cut wedge potatoes, seasoned, baked to grocery-store-deli *perfection* with a creamy refreshing dipping sauce...
Sweet & Smoky Kelp Seasoning Bullwhip Kelp & Piri Piri Hot SauceCaramelized sugars and spice from our Bullwhip Kelp & Piri Piri Hot Sauce bring out...