A homage to the classic, convenient, and crispy side dish we've all seen before. This...
Serrano Bullwhip Hot SauceThis mouth-watering appetizer uses our flavorful Bullwhip Hot Sauce and sweet honey to make the perfect sauce to pair...
Bullwhip Hot Sauce  Ingredients 1 stick of butter 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil salt pepper ...
Kelp & Alaskan Amber BBQ SauceA simple dish with the perfect combination of tinned tuna and our legendary Bullwhip Hot...
Bullwhip Hot SauceAn easy, delicious noodle dish with Barnacle Foods x Outdoor Chef Life Kelp Chili Crisp. ...
Kelp Chili CrispVegetarian lettuce wraps made with crispy tofu, cabbage, and kelp based hot sauce.  Ingredients ...